State-Level Systemic Change

We fund organizations working to change policies, power structures and other root causes of challenges so that all North Carolinians can lead fulfilling lives.

We believe in the power of statewide collective action, led by organizations with complementary strengths, strategies and skillsets.

We are not currently accepting applications for this program.

Sign up for our email list to be informed of the next cycle.

A woman speaks behind a podium at the NC General Assembly while a crowd stands behind her
Chavi Khanna Koneru, Executive Director of North Carolina Asian Americans Together (NCAAT), speaks at the NC General Assembly. Photo courtesy of NCAAT
Issue Areas

We support organizations working for meaningful and lasting progress within and across four issue areas:

Strengthening Democracy

Our democracy is strongest when every voice is heard, every vote counts and people come together to shape a better future.

We fund nonprofit organizations working on all these fronts to strengthen North Carolina’s democracy.

Our grantmaking aims to:

  • Promote free and fair elections and strengthen voting rights
  • Inform people about government policies and practices
  • Increase access to accurate news and information
  • Reduce barriers so that government is more inclusive and accessible for all, especially disenfranchised people and communities


A woman claps and smiles

We believe in the power of collective action to build a just, inclusive and sustainable future.

What We Fund

We fund nonprofits working for state-wide systems change. 

Most of our grant partners are working at the state level or regionally, and some are working locally, but all are connected to state-wide efforts to advance just, inclusive and sustainable systems within and across our four issue areas.

View Our Current Grant Partners

To apply, organizations must:

  • Be charitable, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organizations, colleges/universities, religious entities or government units serving the people of North Carolina
  • Use the grant for work that serves the people of North Carolina 

Out-of-state organizations can apply for projects operating in and benefiting North Carolina.

When to Apply

When to Apply

State-Level Systemic Change grants are made twice per year. 

Each summer, we have an open application period during which any eligible nonprofit organization can apply. 

In the winter, we have an invitation-only application period.

Once a year, we open State-Level Systemic Change applications to any eligible organization. 

  • Early summer: Application opens
  • Late summer: Application closes
  • Fall: ZSR visits select applicants
  • Late fall: ZSR trustees determine grants; applicants notified

How to Apply

Applying involves submitting an application and, for select applicants, having a site visit with ZSR staff. 

So you can prepare, we’ve provided a sample application below:

Download Sample Application

When applications are open, here’s how to apply:

  • Sign up or log in to the grant portal.
  • Complete your application and submit through the portal.

In addition to the application, we ask for:

  • IRS letter certifying 501(c)(3) status
  • Board members’ names and information
  • Prior, current and next-year budgets
  • Project budget (if applying for project and not general operating support)

To prepare, check out this sample application and sample budgets.

State-Level Systemic Change FAQs

All Grants + Programs FAQs

When we refer to “systems,” we are talking about the many conditions that hold social or environmental problems in place, including policies, processes, relationships, power structures, narratives, values, beliefs and more. 

We recognize systemic and structural barriers, particularly related to race, prevent many North Carolinians from achieving their dreams and living fulfilling lives. 

By “systemic change,” we mean working toward fundamental changes in these systems to remove barriers that hold people back, and to build better systems that serve all North Carolinians effectively.