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Assets & Opportunity Profiles

June 12, 2013 -

Developed by CFED (Corporation for Enterprise Development) and Crisis Assistance Ministry, these profiles were created to fuel a local...

VIDEO: Green Opportunities

April 29, 2013 -

Before coming to Green Opportunities (GO), Ernest Robbs was unsure of the life path he was on. Getting involved with GO gave him the...

Five Nonprofit Leaders Awarded Z. Smith Reynolds Sabbatical Program Grants

April 28, 2013 -

The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation announces the recipients of its 2013 Sabbatical Program.

Three UNC professors honored with Lambeth Chair

April 28, 2013 -

UNC Chapel Hill announces the recipients of the 2013 Thomas Willis Lambeth Distinguished Chair in Public Policy.

About Nancy Susan Reynolds (1910-1985)

November 22, 2010 -

Nancy was a founding member, president, and life-time trustee of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation.

Tribute to Smith Bagley (1935-2010)

November 20, 2010 -

Smith helped create the Nancy Susan Reynolds Awards as a memorial to his mother.

2010 Nancy Susan Reynolds Award Winners

November 20, 2010 -

Omer Omer, Sister Attracta Kelly, Christopher Flynt

2009 Nancy Susan Reynolds Award Winners

July 1, 2009 -

Chris Mumma, Raymond Payne, Marcia Espinola

2008 Nancy Susan Reynolds Award Winners

July 1, 2008 -

Benny Bunting, Benny Nichols, Dr. Phyllis Crain

2007 Nancy Susan Reynolds Award Winners

July 1, 2007 -

Lillie Sanders, Dave Genova, Susan Hill

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