Sabbatical Program

Nonprofit leaders in North Carolina work tirelessly to improve their communities and often face burnout.

To continue their critical work, leaders need a chance to rest, restore their energy and find renewed inspiration.

Our Sabbatical Program offers experienced nonprofit leaders paid time away from work for the purpose of personal rejuvenation.

We are not currently accepting applications for this program.

Sign up for our email list to be informed of the next cycle.

A series of three images: On the left, a woman stands in front of the ocean and smiles. In the middle, a man holds a banner that says Pride of North Wales. On the right, a woman blows out a candle on a piece of cake.
(Left to right) Scenes from the sabbaticals of Dr. Tracey Ray, John DeVaney and Terri Thomas.

Supporting experienced nonprofit leaders with paid time off to rest and recharge 

Since 1990, ZSR has awarded sabbaticals to honor North Carolina’s nonprofit leaders for their dedicated service and commitment.

Our Sabbatical Program offers leaders up to six months away from work to re-energize, allowing them to return to their organizations with fresh ideas and momentum.

A total of $40,000 is awarded for each sabbatical: $30,000 goes to the awardee so they can reflect or renew in whatever manner they propose, and $10,000 goes to their organization to help prepare for the awardee to take time away.

Awardees not only gain time for personal rejuvenation but also are encouraged to share leadership across their organizations during their absence, which can enhance organizations’ capacity in the long term.

We offer up to five sabbaticals every other year. The last round of sabbaticals were awarded in spring of 2024.

Who Should Apply?

This program is for experienced nonprofit leaders in North Carolina. 

Meet the Latest Awardees

Individual candidates for this program must: 

  • Be in paid, full-time, executive-level positions at a North Carolina nonprofit 
  • Have served their North Carolina nonprofit organization for at least three years, two of which in an executive level position*

This program is not intended for public school, college, university or government employees; hospital administrators; or full-time clergy. 

*Preference is given to individuals with at least five years of service with their organization.

When and How to Apply

Sabbatical Program awards are granted once every other year, typically in the spring.

Applying involves submitting an application and, for selected applicants, having an interview with a committee of ZSR staff, trustees and former sabbatical recipients.

So you can prepare, we’ve provided a sample application below:

Download Sample Application

Every other year, we open Sabbatical Program applications to any eligible nonprofit leader. 

Here is the typical timeline:

  • Fall: Application opens
  • Early winter: Application closes
  • Late winter: Select applicants interview with Sabbatical Committee, which includes ZSR staff, trustees and former sabbatical recipients.
  • Early spring: ZSR Sabbatical Committee determines awardees; applicants notified

The last round of sabbaticals were awarded in spring of 2024. We plan to open the next round of applications in winter of 2025, with awards announced in spring of 2026.

Funding and Requirements

ZSR provides financial awards to Sabbatical Program awardees and their organizations. 

Here are the details of the award.

  • Recipient organizations decide whether to continue to keep sabbatical recipients on their payroll during their time away. 
  • Regardless of this decision, ZSR provides a total of $40,000 to each sabbatical awardee: $30,000 is paid to the awardee so they can reflect or renew in whatever manner they propose, and $10,000* is paid to their organization to help prepare for the sabbatical recipient to take time away.

    *Of the $10,000, at least $5,000 must go toward activities that will enhance the recipient’s entire organization, e.g., staff retreats, team building exercises, mentoring opportunities, and/or other activities to support the staff. 
  • Awards are subject to federal and state income taxes.

Sabbatical Program FAQs

All Grants + Programs FAQs

A ZSR sabbatical is a three- to six-month period during which nonprofit leaders take a leave of absence from the organizations at which they work. Sabbatical recipients use this time to engage in non-professional development activities of their own choosing to aid in personal renewal and growth.

While on sabbatical, award recipients travel, study, read, reflect, rest, and/or explore interests unrelated to their field of work. Sabbatical funds may be spent in any way that leads to the rejuvenation and self-revitalization of the nonprofit leaders who participate in the program. 

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